Trends that in the West are retro, alluding to a certain era in our shared experience or that of our parents, are often completely new to China. “Camel is back” or “we’re stuck in the ’80s again” doesn’t really have the same resonance. Last time camel was popular, China might not have yet had fashion magazines (most are post-2000). So when girls all over Beijing start wearing cap toes, bi-tonals, tasseled loafers, and generally aspiring to be feminine dandies, it seems fresh. Sure, they are following a global trend that is already somewhat played out in the West, but in China it feels new because it is not retro and does not carry the same associations.

有些潮æµçš„东西在西方会觉得很普通,但在ä¸å›½æˆ‘会觉得很新鲜,很特别。2010年很æµè¡Œç©¿ç”·å¼é£Žæ ¼çš„皮鞋。