The Blues


The shades lighter than navy should appear more, especially in coats. It brightens the mood in a winter landscape, too often dominated by black and gray, especially in horrible puffer coats.

Blue coats always make me think of Julien Sorel, the protagonist in the Red and the Black. He was given one by his patron, the marquis, and this enabled him to feel on a level with the aristocrats whom he was attempting to impress. Of course, I would think that the coat in that case was a dress garment and not an outdoor coat.


Only the Lonely


Milk@Coffee lead singer Kiki, last mentioned here for designing a dress, is very accomplished. She has come out with several albums and now even a book about herself. Her style of music is rather cheerful and poppy, but seems to deal with the subjects of loneliness and being by herself – one of her biggest hits is called “Accustomed to Loneliness”. Something about her that doesn’t meet the eye must be repelling everyone.

牛奶咖啡组合的主唱 KiKi(富妍) 是个活泼漂亮,多才多艺,自信而且有品位的女孩。她不仅出过好几张专辑,而且最近还出了一本关于自己的书。我想问她为什么她的第二张专辑要叫《越长大,越孤单》,还有她最流行的一个作品要叫《习惯了寂寞》。是不是所有的中国pop都必须有这样浪漫的名字?

Skirted Man Texting


Not the sort of person one would expect to see checking sending a text message in a traditional hutong. Is this garment referred to as a dhoti?


Back to Beijing!

I just arrived back in Beijing and regular updates on Stylites will start soon. Sorry for the interruption. I was back in the States for my father’s 90th birthday.

Cao Difei – 曹涤非


My parents rarely allowed television in the home. I didn’t become accustomed to its presence, so I am rarely bothered that the set in my Beijing hutong home gets no signal. An unfortunate result, however, is that I have not seen Cao Difei hosting on Beijing Television (BTV). I had run into him several times without realizing that he was a bit famous. Cao Difei grew up in a hutong in Beijing and has been at BTV since 2001. More on him later.


Merry Christmas!

Dear Stylites Viewers,

Have a blessed Christmas this year! I am by the beach in Sarasota, Florida, which is lovely, though not terribly Christmas-like. Anyway, it is amazing that I was in Beijing just yesterday.

Best Wishes,


Vintage Chic


From Australia, Tana has been in Beijing over ten years. She started what was probably the first vintage shop in Beijing on Yandai Xiejie, near Houhai. The items she sold were brought in from abroad and included Levi’s and other such items. The shop has not been open for several years, but vintage clothing has become much more popular here lately.

从澳洲来的Tana十多年在北京。因为她喜欢收藏很独特的衣服,丝禁,鞋,袜子,帽子,等,她原来开国第一个卖二手衣服的商店在烟袋斜街。她卖的东西原来主要是从国外进口的,像一些Levi’s牛仔裤,70年代的衣服等,但价格卖的不是很高因为这个她的爱好。 她的11岁的女儿, Lily。女儿受到母亲的影响,也穿得很特别,也喜欢戴大的墨镜。我真羡慕她女儿,能说世界两个最重要的原因说得很流利。

London is the Place for him


Artist Andy Mo works in a Spanish art gallery but is something of an Anglophile (check his website). Painting since he was a young boy, he graduated from Hangzhou’s China Academy of Art in 2007. He has now been in Beijing for two years and now works in a 798 gallery called Iberia Center for Contemporary Art. A major hobby for Andy is horseback riding, which he does regularly outside of Beijing. His favorite types of horses are the Spanish “warm-blood horse” and pure breeds from England. Though he hasn’t made it to London, but he really likes the spirit and style of the English capital, though unlike many Beijingers it is not because of punk or rock music.

很少见到我真的很想模仿的穿法。他的风格低调但是很特别,时尚且经典,在传统的基础上又加入了很多他个人的想法。他叫吴建安,小名“竹子”英文名叫Andy Mo(他的个人网站)。2007年毕业于杭州中国美术学院。从小开始学绘画。现在主要是以木炭在纸本上创作。来北京2年多了,现工作于798一家来自西班牙艺术机构”伊比利亚当代艺术中心”。 业余时间经常去骑马,是个恋马狂!他喜欢西班牙的温血马和英国纯血。他没有去过伦敦,但喜欢这个城市的气质。不同与这个时代大部分的年轻人,他不喜欢摇滚或者朋克,喜欢安静和让人沉思的音乐。他喜欢TOP GEAR(ç”±BBC制作的世界顶级汽车节目). 他也喜欢逛stylites.netå’Œwww.lastnightsparty.com等时尚网站。


Andy got this leather bag from a friend by trading for a painting. 这个皮包是拿画和朋友交换的.

I love London

He attended an event called “I love arts London” but later removed the word “arts” from the pin. 参加一个伦敦艺术学院的年对派对他们印的是” I LOVE ARTS LONDON” 然后他把ARTS刮掉了.

Thanks to Andy for helping edit my Chinese.