Sailor Shirts


These two are students at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing (对外经济贸易大学). In a few months, they are both going to Rheims, France, where they will study for a total of three years.

Military influenced items and actual items from the military are quite popular with Beijing youth. Though originally intended for men, these shirts are worn by both sexes. Wearers tend to be young artistic types in rock bands, creative industries, etc. Stripy shirts, in the sailor style, other than these authentic naval ones do not seem to be overly popular. People want the real thing or nothing, it seems.

These shirts are available in several outlets in Beijing, though the biggest size, 1, is equivalent to an American small.


Liu Jian only wears Chinese navy shirts – he owns 25 in total. Since they only come with long sleeves, his had several of them altered a few for summer wear. These shirts are actually a pretty appropriate choice for Liu Jian since he served in the Chinese military for six years. He is an author and folk musician and a member of East District Power, a Shanghai-based folk rock collective.

Leggy Late Christmas


I did a special report for That’s Beijing on stylish people’s perspectives on bicycling, and will be including some of the photos from it here.

Hinting at Christmas in pleasingly provocative style, software designer Aileen just arrived in Beijing from Hubei and has not had time to buy a bike. However, she believes Beijing is not good for driving since it is so crowded. Unlike many modern Chinese girls, to her it doesn’t matter if her other half owns a car or not.



Vogue Boys


Cola has been a frequent star of Stylites. I like the way that he wears sweats with a leather jacket. These two Northeastern boys run the recently expanded Vogue, a menswear boutique on the forth floor of 3.3, a Sanlitun mall. Vogue specializes in “replicas” of Dior Homme, Comme des Garçons, Dolce and Gabbana, and other popular brands.

可乐经常出现在stylites上。我喜欢他穿运动裤和皮夹克的休闲风格。这两个东北男孩经营在三里屯3.3商场四层的Vogue男装精品店。他们的店面最近扩大了。Vogue的经营特色是Dior Homme, Comme De Garcons, Dolce and Gabbana等流行品牌的“复制品”。

Not Quite Risqué – 不太过火


With all of the beautiful girls and handsome boys appearing, several people have suggested that Stylites double as a dating website. I will consider this option, though it can be difficult enough convincing people to pose without having to explain that they may be contacted by random romance-seeking strangers. This time, to forestall any curiosity, I am first adding a picture of this mini-skirted young girl with her man.



The skirt is surprisingly short, but does not seem risqué on her. In fact, her particular aura almost makes it difficult to notice that the skirt is so short. The military coat and handbag keep the look smart while the Converses and tee shirt are a rugged touch.


Modern Sky – 摩登天空


Kiki works with Modern Sky, China’s largest independent record label. She is also in a band that performs frequently at Dongcheng District clubs. With a different bag she would look even more sixties Brit Pop than she already does.


Teddy Pendant at Uniqlo – 小熊吊坠在优衣库


I ran into Jesse Chen, an IT salesman, at the first Beijing Uniqlo on its first day of business. He and his friends made several purchases and felt quite positive about this new shop at Xidan. Likening Uniqlo to Ikea, he commented that the quality seemed better than Zara, while the prices are significantly lower. As for domestic competitors, Baleno and some others might qualify, but he felt that no Chinese apparel retailer possesses the same ability to create a “culture” around its brand.



His cute teddy bear pendant reveals that even as a grown man he retains a small child’s spirit.


Purple and Orange – 紫色和橘色


Katrina is a nice girl here in Beijing to visit friends. She is from Wuhan originally, if I remember correctly, and she is now living in Shanghai. Her comments on Beijing were quite positive, particularly regarding the area around Houhai and Nanluoguxiang – the trendy sections of the old city.

Katrina是个很善良的女孩子,从上海到北京来看朋友。如果我没记错,她的老家在武汉。她觉得北京很好,尤其是后海和南锣鼓巷附近 – 老城是最时髦的地区。

Yunnanese with Splashes of Colors – 色彩缤纷的云南人


Mr. Zhao said he comes from a small town in Yunnan. He just arrived in Beijing and plans to live here for a while. I asked him if his style is influenced by minority peoples. He said that it probably wasn’t. He is mainly going for the Bohemian look, adding that the important thing is to understand yourself and find an appropriate style. People shouldn’t imitate others or what they see in the magazines. I agree with this.


Aspiring Fashion Designer – 励志成为服装设计师得学生


A fashion design student at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, she intends to design womenswear of the “mix and match” style – currently a popular focus. I was disappointed that she doesn’t make clothing or wear her own designs, so far relying on shops in Xidan and the Zoo.


Dior Homme Rocker


A real man of the “backstreet” getting a start on summer styles with a little ventilation around the waist, Chen Dong, originally from Xinjiang, is the singer for the band DEFY. He describes his style as rockability and enjoys all fashion items that evoke the ‘60s London. His blazer is Dior Homme and he bought on Taobao, China’s leading online consumer site. His jeans and shoes are also Dior Homme from Taobao. Mr. Chen admits that all of these items are counterfeit, but says he does not have nearly enough money to buy the real thing. He would be willing to purchase second-hand jeans and leather products, including boots, since items used to be higher quality.

一个真正的从“后街”来的男人已经提早开始为夏日风格做准备—给腰部通通风。陈栋的老家在新疆,是乐队的歌手。他用rockability来形容自己的风格,喜欢所有60年代的伦敦时尚风格。他穿的Dior Homme西服是在淘宝上买的。淘宝是中国最大的个人网上交易社区。他的牛仔裤和鞋子也是的,同样是从淘宝上买的。他承认这些东西都是盗版的,但他没钱买正版的。他愿意买二手的牛仔裤和皮具,包括牛仔裤,因为以前生产的东西质量更好

Mysterious Girl from Chiba – 神秘的千葉県女孩子


I’ve always had a thing for girls in masks. Maybe it is because I am half Middle Eastern. Masks just make girls look so mysterious. From Chiba, a suburb of Tokyo, Tomumi lives in the hutongs of Beijing and studying at the Central Drama Academy, which she chose because she knew there would be few foreign students thus enabling her to learn Chinese more easily. She much prefers Beijing to Shanghai because Beijing has so much history. She describes Shanghai as a modern city just like Tokyo, but without the great shopping. Returning home in a few months, she will see her Chinese boyfriend, now studying in Tokyo.


In The Details – 细节最重要


Former Beijing party animal, Brett Model was up for the weekend from Macao where he’s a manager at Wynn.

白瑞以前是北京的Party Animal, 现在在永利澳门酒店当经理。上个月他回北京度周末。


Keeping the overall style simple, Brett Model goes for neat details that express his personality. One leg says “everything is in chaos” while the other is “all is prosperous”. Underneath all of his suit collars are former ties instead of the usual felt.


Theater Academy Student – 戏剧学院的学生


This cute young Qingdao girls studies set design at the Beijing Drama Academy. Her home in Beijing is on Beijing’s Chaodou hutong – like me, she lives in a old-style, one-story home. She thinks her school is the most fashionable one in the city. She describes her style as “luanda” or random mixing of different styles.
