My Photos on – 我的照片在淘宝网

Some things are inevitable. Recently, I saw some photos from Stylites on’s “Men’s Channel”, but my consent was not given first, and no attribution was made. The title of the post is “Trendy Beijing Guys in the Eyes of a Foreigner [using mildly pejorative term]”. Also, many of these pics have appeared on and That’s Beijing, a local magazine for which I formally do freelance work. I can understand that Taobao’s Men’s Channel might be interested in my pictures. However, I would hope that they would at least mention the origin of the photos. I gave the editor an email discussing this issue, but, after several days, he has still not responded.

有的事情是不可避免的。最近我在淘宝网男人频道上看到我在Stylites上发表过的一些照片,但是这些转载既没有事先征求过我的许可,也没有注明照片的出处。资讯标题是“老外眼中的北京潮男”。还有,这些照片曾经在与我有正式合作关系的杂志That’s Beijing及其网站www.thebeijinger.com刊载过。淘宝网男人频道关注我的照片,这我个能理解。但是希望他们在这样做的时候,至少能够提到照片的出处。我给了他们的编辑发过email谈这个问题,但是已经好几天了,他们都没有给我任何回复。

Silver Beijing – 银色在流行


Metallic continues to be hot in 2008, but silver is succeeding gold. Misha is right on that trend with his puffer jacket choice. And he is also getting the casual slim tie look to a tee. Perhaps that immense belt also works well with the outfit.

2008年,金属的颜色继续在流行,但银色代替了金色的主流位置. Misha选择的羽绒服正好体现了这个趋势。 他戴的休闲窄领带也是现在的潮流。有可能那个超大的腰带也配他的衣服。


Pair of Lovebirds – 恋爱中的一对儿


This pair of lovebirds view fashion as a way to express one’s own personality, and not as a representation of status. They say there are many good domestic fashion brands catering to women, but not so many for men. I asked them whether or not they were willing to wear second-hand clothing. The young lady said that she has not worn second hand clothing, but she has started to sell her own old clothes on Taobao. She explained: “Girls already have too much clothing. They tend to wear each piece only a few times.” Her boyfriend said that he would consider wearing second hand clothing.



They are students at the University of International Business and Economics. The young lady studies finance, while the young man does media. I think this 1.9 meter dude is quite handsome, but some of my Chinese readers might disagree with this perspective, because of that old cliche: “Chinese and Western standards of beauty are completely different.” As for the girl, she’s also attractive. She always wears this particular expression. I think it is a bit cute, very much like a glamorous Paris woman.

他们是外经贸大学的学生。女孩子学的是金融,男孩子他学的是传媒。我觉得这位身高190公分的男孩子长得很帅,但是我的一些中国读者可能会不同意我的观点 ,因为这种陈词滥调的看法 ——中国人和西方人的审美观不一样。 这个女孩子呢,也漂亮。她总喜欢这个表情,我觉得有点可爱,很像个有魅力的巴黎女士。

Hair and Pea Coat – 发型和水手穿的厚呢短大衣


Many men part their hair, but few with such a sense of drama. This fellow makes no apologies for his appearance or ideas, presumably. There was no time to talk to him, but I think his views are probably not overly one-sided.


Winter White – 冬天白


Ignoring their city’s renowned dustiness, Beijingers adore wearing white, and winter is no time to forswear it. White puffer jackets, head-to-toe white, and plastic white boots bleach the landscape. Henry’s take is more successful than most. He didn’t forget the RMB 4,000 Italian shoes (Zegna), unlike most other Chinese financiers and businessmen, who still wear the pleather loafers from their nongmin days. From Guangxi but now based in Shanghai, he is one of those entrepreneurs, typical in China, who tries to do everything, from private equity, to importing rare wood, to fashion.

不理睬他们城市著名的尘土,北京人爱穿白色,连冬天的时候也一样。白色羽绒服,头到脚都是白色,塑料材质的白色靴子,都把环境“漂白”了。Henry穿白色的衣服比大部分的人的感觉好. 他没忘记穿4,000人民币的意大利皮鞋(Zegna),不像很多中国的金融家和商人还是穿跟他们是农民的时候的一样的人造革loafer. Henry老家在广西,现在住在上海。他是那种什么多做的投资家—私募基金,进口木材,还有时尚。

Another Shanghaiese Tourist 另一个上海游客


I probably should have stuck the two Shanghai tourists in a single post. There are countless bizarre houndstooths around these days, like pink with purple, etc., but I black with white must rank as the most classic. Although matching the hat with the jacket seems a bit overboard, I still thinks she looks rather cute.


Shanghaiese Tourist 上海游客


I dislike surprises and like when people and things are as I expect them to be. She is a Shanghai girl and this is how I would expect a “Shanghai girl in Beijing” to look.

Recently, many journalists have asked me whether Beijing has a distinct style and how I would describe it. I see the style of the city as evolving rather than having entirely crystalized. The young people I photograph, or at least the ones whose looks I prefer, are definitely pursuing a specific style. Speaking very generally, Beijing shoots for a more rugged, bohemian and creative style, whereas Shanghai aims to be sophisticated, chic, and worldly. This reflects this overall spirit of the two cities. Shanghai and Beijing are perpetually compared and have a competitive relationship, though what they offer is really completely different.

我不喜欢感觉惊讶, 而是希望人和事都跟我想象的一样.她是个上海女孩,而且跟我想象中的”上海女孩在北京"的样子差不多.


If Chinese does not appear clearly, in “View” go to “Character Encoding” and select “Unicode”.

Retro Eighties – 复古风格-80年代


Rules are being broken here. Japanese housewife hair and makeup meets ’70s fashion, which made it to China in the ’80s, for one of the best Stylites yet. The jacket and bag seem straight from the vintage shop that doesn’t exist here.

这次有人打破了常规。日本家庭主妇风格的发型和妆容,跟70年代的时尚风格混合在一起(西方70年代的风格可以说是在80年代影响到了中国)。 她可以算是”Stylites”上最有风格的人之一。她的包和夹克像是在二手店买的,也许我们只能想象北京有这样一个二手店吧。

Making Chinese Characters Readable – 解决乱码的问题

I will now be providing Chinese translation of Stylites, though there has not yet been time to make a formal announcement of this change.

On some browsers, Chinese appears as squiggles. In this case in “View” go to “Character Encoding” and select “Unicode”. This will fix the problem.
在不能看清楚中文的情况下,你能在“查看”的“编码”选“unicode” – 好像这个可以解决乱码的问题。不能用“中文简体字”。

Cuddly Korean – 令人想拥抱的韩国人


Don’t you just want to hug him? Or feel the fabric of his scarf or the blazer? He definitely understands how to wear this Prince of Wales check blazer as casual wear. This Korean tourist speaks no English and little Chinese, but he probably knows that Italy and England produce the finest wools.

难道你不想拥抱他吗?或者可以摸一下他的围巾或者西服的面料?他绝对了解怎么把这件“Prince of Wales”格子西服穿出休闲的感觉。这位韩国的游客不会讲英文,只会讲一点点中文,但他知道意大利和英国是生产最好的羊毛面料的国家。

Sparkly Legs – “闪耀”çš„è…¿


She works in media and never rides a bicycle to work.



Plenty of glitter on Beijing girls, and I’m not usually a fan, but this young lady’s sprinkled approach caught my eye.


Black with Gray, Always Classic – 黑色和灰色,永远是经典的

black-and-grayIn a winter of ankle-length puffer coats, boots with ten buckles, and extended glimpses of wool long-johns above low-rise jeans, this simple but cute and warm-looking ensemble was inspirational. Many Beijing girls have got the looks, but this economics student actually dresses to bring them out. Still, her mother wouldn’t be happy, since legs are a crucial body parts to keep warm, according to Chinese tradition.

Chemistry Chic


He never shops and instead studies most of the time. Naturally only a girlfriend could separate this chemistry student from his books on a beautiful but frigid weekend. He successfully proved to me that he doesn’t try too hard.