Here is a Happy New Year message from the founder of Pawnstar:
Dear Friends,
People will remember 2016 – mostly because it was so bizarre. For Pawnstar, it was also a memorable year. Our founding was in 2015, but 2016 saw us become an entity that is a bit more substantial. Most of our customers and consigners came to us over the last year, we brought together a wonderful team of staff, we joined with young designers to create an exciting upcycling program, and we opened a physical location in the Clement Apartments in Shanghai’s Former French Concession that was just named TimeOut’s New Shop of the Year. We also laid the groundwork for exciting partnerships that we hope will make 2017 the year in which Pawnstar and the concept of secondhand fashion in China start to go bigger.
None of this would be possible without your support and we want to take this occasion to express our gratitude. Convincing people in China to buy secondhand clothing and engineering a new system that makes that possible is neither obvious nor easy. We have benefitted from your patience and understanding. We are grateful for your understanding that, while being eco-friendly and sustainability minded is a critical component of what we are doing, we also need to run a successful and profitable business. That is the only way for this to continue to grow – Pawnstar has to be sustainable as a business. Thank you very much for your forbearance and helping by being the initial brand ambassadors for this concept.
We would like to send our wishes to you and your family for a most prosperous and happy 2017 and hope to see more of you in the current year!
January 1, 2017
And here is the Chinese version:
æ„Ÿè°¢ä½ ä»¬åˆä¸€å¹´çš„陪伴,虽然Pawnstar的创立也åªæ˜¯ä¸€å¹´æœ‰ä½™ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘们时时自çœï¼Œç»å¸¸è§‰å¾—æ˜¨æ—¥çš„è‡ªå·±æœ‰è¯¸å¤šç¨šå«©ï¼Œç„¶è€Œè¿™ä¸ªè¿‡ç¨‹ä¹Ÿè®©ä½ ä»¬æ‹…å¾…äº†å¾ˆå¤šã€‚å¬è¯´çŽ°åœ¨è‡ªé»‘也是一ç§æƒ…怀?åˆå»ºæ—¶åšå¿«é—ªåº—æ‹çš„å”®å–å›¾å’Œå‡ å¤©å‰å®¢æˆ·å‘æ¥çš„ä¹°å®¶ç§€å¯¹æ¯”ï¼šä»Žä½ ä»¬èº«ä¸Šï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬èŽ·å¾—äº†æ— æ•°æ”¹è¿›çš„çµæ„Ÿå’Œå¯å‘。
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