Nick Wooster, in NYC


I had the pleasure of with the fashion industry’s leading creative dynamo and style influencer Nickelson Wooster having coffee at The Hotel Elysée in Midtown. Nick, who has worked as a buyer for Bergdorf Goodman, Barney’s, Neiman Marcus and other leading department stores, had solid advice useful for men everywhere. One perfectly tailored medium gray suit, a blue and white shirt, some ties, and British-made black and brown oxfords are enough to get most men through the year. Nick has done some fun collaborations with brands from United Arrows to Orlebar Brown. I am hoping we can find a Chinese brand with which he could partner. My wife, Jane, who was also at the meeting, had these reflections:


“如果你有一些简单的衬衫,一套中灰色的西装,那么只需要搭配各种领带,就可以每天都有型,任何人都可以用100美金以下的消费做到有型有款”。 当下已经50多岁的Nick在三年前突然蹿红网络,他说自己原本以为超过40岁,再从事时尚行业会很难,没想到网络的发展让他在去参加展会工作的时候成为镜头的焦点。如今在国内,从大牌纸媒,网络媒体到微信朋友圈中,都流传着多套Nick在各大展会亮相的照片集锦,还有冠有比如“最会穿衣的男人”等美名Nick特辑。但见到Nick本人让人高兴的并非是见识了时尚的炫目,而是再一次印证了“拒绝即是优雅”的聪明的时尚规则。“拒绝即是优雅”,不仅是都市人在眼花缭乱的选择中节约生活成本的方式,也是对环保做举手之劳贡献的一种途径。Senli&Frye挑选了少量知名品牌领带与袜子精品,在春节期间以大幅低于市场价的优惠答谢我们的朋友们。