
Duan Yanling is Editor-in-Chief of design magazine Case da Abitare and, an online design channel in collaboration with She was also hosted CCTV 9 (English) program Travelogue. She graduated from Stockholm University and completed advanced study at Pace University in NYC.

段妍玲是《居Case da Abitare》和新浪ATCASA设计频道主编,旅游卫视全球创意发现节目《创意生活》的设计行策划、撰稿兼主持,原CCTV9《旅游指南》英语节目主持人。她毕业于斯德哥尔摩大学,后在纽约佩斯大学深造国际广告研究生课程。

Yanling believes that taste comes from one’s knowledge and cultivation. On Chinese people’s taste in fashion, she feels that many traditions in style and beauty are long lost. At present, most people are still trying to copy stereotype fashion elements of other culture/countries. She thinks that it will take some more time for Chinese people to find their own unique style. For shopping, she hopes to see a local design concept store something like Paris’ Colette or perhaps this new shop in Antwerp called ra.


Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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