From Australia, Mei Ping Doery is International Business Development Manager at NC STYLE, here in Beijing. I recently had a chat with her.
NF: What brought you into the fashion world? Is your life more now glamorous?
澳洲人Mei Ping是NC STYLE的国际业务å‘展ç»ç†çš„。我最近跟她èŠäº†ä¸€ä¼šã€‚
NF: ä½ ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆè¿›å…¥äº†æ—¶å°šè¡Œä¸šï¼Ÿè¿›å…¥äº†åŽä½ 的生活更有é…力å—?
MP: Fashion is about self expression and creating an aspirational and glamorous lifestyle that essentially, people want to buy. I think the glamorous element is actually a bit of a facade when you work in the industry. I remember one of my first jobs in a boutique in Melbourne. Al the girls working there always looked stunning. We were fortunate enough to be able to wear the most amazing designer pieces to work each day but at the same time had to prance around a store looking glamorous for 8 hours a day in 6 inch heels! Nothing glamorous about that!
NF: Is there any city in Australia as glamorous as Beijing?
MP: It is not the same as the bling bling glamour that is all too common in Beijing but I think there is something uniquely glamorous about the Australian lifestyle. We know how to enjoy life and most Australians are lucky enough to live and work near the sea in a pristine natural environment. So I think in certain areas particularly around Melbourne and Sydney, yes in its own way.
NF: There must be some unique challenges you face in marketing to mainland Chinese. What is some advice you might give to foreigner brands trying to develop here?
MP: Give it time and develop a long term strategy. The market has only really opened up in the last 15 years and it has come leaps and bounds since then. For many of the smaller labels we work with many of them are aggressive in their expectations of the market here. While there is tremendous potential and consumer tastes are becoming much more sophisticated there are fundamental challenges particularly in distribution that still makes it very challenging for younger labels to be successful here.
In addition to this, while we are bringing in new labels it is also so important to spend time educating the local fashion market. Because the industry is relatively new many people working in fashion here have had limited experience in the fashion industry themselves. So when bringing a new brand into the market it is not only important to make it available but also nurture and encourage the industry to look at and recognize good quality and design that isn’t from top tier luxury fashion houses.
NF: Any style advice for Beijing girls? Do you think style in the capital is improving?
MP: Beijing style is improving rapidly. Even since I arrived a few years ago I have noticed a significant change in people’s style and desire to express themselves. Chinese people in general people are really starting to experiment with different looks, styles and interpretations of international trends. I think because of Beijing’s influence of culture and the arts people really get it here. While there still is some distance to go I think there are definitely more and more ultra trendy people in Beijing that could give many European and NY fashionistas a run for their money.
I think people should have fun with fashion. Although while its great to experiment with different looks my biggest piece of fashion advice is to not be too obsessed with trends and fads. Style is really captured through finding a look that enhances and suits your own aesthetic, personality and lifestyle.
NF: Do locals find you to be beautiful? Why or why not?
MP: I think intrigued more than anything. Being Eurasian most Chinese people are always curious to know where I am from. When I ask them to guess I get everything from Korean, Spanish, Middle Eastern to French. No one ever seems to guess I am from Australia though.
NF: What are your favorite luxury and fashion brands? Any Chinese designers?
MP: Chloe, Vanessa Bruno and one of my all time favorite Australian labels – Scanlan & Theodore. One of my favorite Chinese women’s wear designers is Lu Lu 12.28 for her use of beautiful fabrications and really wearable pieces. Another one to look out for is Zhang Chi – I think he will be big.
NF: What are your favorite hotels, restaurants, bars, galleries, etc. in Beijing?
MP: If proximity to the CBD and budget are not of concern then you can’t go past the Aman at the Summer Palace – truly exquisite. I love Yotsuba for Beijing’s freshest and most authentic Japanese, Capital for M for a fancy meal and to admire the contemporary Art Deco inspired design and Pace is one of my favorite galleries out in 798.
MP: 时尚是关于自我的一ç§è¯ 释,而且从本质上æ¥è¯´æ˜¯äººä»¬ä¸€ç›´æƒ³æ‹¥æœ‰çš„一ç§ç†æƒ³çš„而åˆå……满é…力的生活方å¼ã€‚ä½†æ˜¯ï¼Œå½“ä½ çœŸæ£åœ¨è¿™ä¸ªé¢†åŸŸå·¥ä½œæ—¶ï¼Œè¿™ç§å…‰é²œåŽä¸½çš„é…力å´ä¼šæœ‰ç‚¹è¤ªè‰²ã€‚我记得自己其ä¸çš„第一份工作是在墨尔本的一家饰å“店,在那里工作的æ¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¥³å©éƒ½éƒ½çœ‹èµ·æ¥å¾ˆæ¼‚亮很å¸å¼•äººï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”我们很幸è¿èƒ½å¤Ÿæ¯å¤©éƒ½ç©¿æˆ´ç€æœ€æ£’的设计师作å“工作,但是在ä¸å¾—ä¸è¸©ç€å…英寸高的高跟鞋,看起æ¥å¾ˆè¿·äººåœ°åœ¨åº—里é¢èµ°æ¥èµ°åŽ»å…«ä¸ªå°æ—¶çš„情况下,那ç§ç”Ÿæ´»æ²¡æœ‰ä¸€ç‚¹é…力å¯è¨€ã€‚
NF: æ¾³æ´²æœ‰æ²¡æœ‰è·ŸåŒ—äº¬ä¸€æ ·æœ‰é…力的地方?
MP: 这跟在北京的那ç§å¸¸è§çš„耀眼的é…力ä¸ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæˆ‘认为澳洲的生活方å¼æœ‰å…¶å¥‡ç‰¹çš„é…åŠ›ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ‡‚å¾—æ€Žæ ·åŽ»äº«å—生活,而且大多数澳洲人都很幸è¿èƒ½å¤Ÿç”Ÿæ´»å’Œå·¥ä½œåœ¨é 近海边的原始自然环境ä¸ã€‚
NF: åšæŽ¨å¹¿åœ¨ä¸å›½æ˜¯ä¸ªç‹¬ç‰¹çš„挑战. ä½ æœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆå»ºè®®ç»™å¤–å›½ç‰Œå想在这里å‘展?
MP: 给与它充裕的时间和一个长期的战略计划。 15å¹´å‰è¿™ä¸ªå¸‚场æ‰çœŸæ£çš„开放起æ¥å¹¶ä¸”有了一些飞跃å‘展。对于一些åŒæˆ‘们工作的å°å“牌, 他们ä¸å¾ˆå¤šå¯¹è¿™ä¸ªå¸‚场的期盼都雄心勃勃,充满斗志。但是åŒæ—¶æœ‰å¤§æ‰¹çš„潜在消费者å˜å¾—越æ¥è¶Šæˆç†Ÿï¼Œè€Œä¸”有许多最基础的挑战尤其是在分销上,这对于一些想æˆåŠŸçš„å¹´è½»å“牌æ¥è¯´è¿˜æ˜¯å¾ˆæœ‰æŒ‘战性的。
除æ¤ä¹‹å¤–, 当我们引进一个新的å“牌时,花一些时间去深入引导的当地时尚市场åŒæ ·æ˜¾å¾—很é‡è¦ã€‚这主è¦æ˜¯å› 为这个产业对于很多在时尚界工作的人æ¥è¯´å¾ˆé™Œç”Ÿï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”他们也没有很多在时尚圈的从业ç»éªŒï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ï¼Œå½“引进一个新å“牌进入市场时,ä¸ä»…仅是进入å¯ä»¥è´ä¹°ï¼Œè¿˜éœ€è¦åŸ¹å…»å’Œé¼“励这个圈å去接å—å…¶æ¥è‡ªéžé¡¶çº§å¥¢ä¾ˆå“但åŒæ ·ä¼˜ç§€çš„è´¨é‡è·Ÿè®¾è®¡ã€‚
NF: ä½ å¾ˆæœ‰å“ä½ã€‚能ä¸èƒ½ç»™åŒ—京的女å©å‡ 个建议关于style? 北京人的穿者有没有进æ¥ï¼Ÿ
MP: åŒ—äº¬é£Žæ ¼è¿›æ¥å¾—å¾ˆå¿«ï¼Œå‡ å¹´å‰æˆ‘到这里时就å‘çŽ°ï¼Œäººä»¬çš„ç©¿è¡£é£Žæ ¼å’Œè¡¨çŽ°è‡ªå·±çš„æ„æ„¿å‘生了很大的改å˜ï¼Œ ä¸å›½äººçœŸæ£å¼€å§‹åŽ»ä½“验ä¸åŒçš„è£…æ‰®å’Œé£Žæ ¼ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”åŽ»è¯ é‡Šç€å›½é™…的趋势, 我认为这主è¦æ˜¯å› 为人们是å—当今北京文化和艺术的影å“。当然,å‰é¢çš„路还很长,我确信越æ¥è¶Šå¤šçš„赶时髦的北京人会给很多欧洲和纽约时尚人士带æ¥åœ¨ä¸å›½å‘展的机会。
我认为人们应当从时尚ä¸å¯»æ‰¾åˆ°ä¹è¶£ï¼Œ 尽管å°è¯•ä¸åŒçš„è£…æ‰®ä¼šå¸¦ç»™ä½ ä¸åŒä½“验,我最大的时尚建议就是——ä¸è¦å¤ªç€è¿·äºŽè¶‹åŠ¿å’Œæ½®æµï¼ŒæŠ“ä½é£Žæ ¼çš„æ ¸å¿ƒåœ¨äºŽå¯»æ‰¾ä¸€ä¸ªèƒ½å¤Ÿå¢žå¼ºå¹¶ä¸”é€‚åˆä½ çš„å®¡ç¾Žï¼Œæ€§æ ¼å’Œç”Ÿæ´»æ–¹å¼çš„装扮。
NF: å¤§é™†äººè§‰å¾—ä½ é•¿å¾—æ¼‚äº®å—?为什么?
MP: 我觉得好奇å ç»å¤§å¤šæ•°ã€‚作为混血儿,大多是ä¸å›½äººæ€»æ˜¯ä¼šå¾ˆå¥½å¥‡æˆ‘æ¥è‡ªå“ªé‡Œï¼Œå½“我让他们猜时,他们大都说韩国,西ç牙,ä¸ä¸œè¿˜æœ‰æ³•å›½ï¼Œä½†ä»Žæ¥æ²¡æœ‰äººçŒœæ¾³å¤§åˆ©äºšã€‚
NF: ä½ æœ€å–œæ¬¢é‚£äº›å¥¢ä¾ˆå“和时尚牌å?有ä¸å›½çš„设计师å—?
MP: Chloe, Vanessa Bruno 还有其ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªæˆ‘最喜欢得的澳大利亚å“牌——Scanlan & Theodore, å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªæˆ‘最喜爱的ä¸å›½å¥³è£…å“牌是 Lu Lu 12.28ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯å› ä¸ºå¥¹ç”¨æ¼‚äº®çš„å¸ƒæ–™è¿˜æœ‰èˆ’é€‚é€‚ç”¨çš„æ¬¾å¼ã€‚ å¦å¤–ä¸€ä¸ªæ˜¯å¼ å¼›ï¼Œæˆ‘ä¸ªäººè®¤ä¸ºä»–ä¼šå¾ˆå‡ºå。
NF: ä½ åœ¨åŒ—äº¬æœ€å–œæ¬¢å“ªå‡ ä¸ªé…’åº—ï¼Œé¤åŽ…,酒å§ï¼Œç”»å»Šï¼Œç‰ç‰?
MP: 如果说é è¿‘ä¸å¤®å•†åŠ¡åŒºå¹¶ä¸”ä¸è€ƒè™‘预算的è¯ï¼Œåœ¨é¢å’Œå›çš„Aman真的ä¸èƒ½é”™è¿‡ï¼Œå®ƒçœŸçš„很精美。é¤åŽ…我喜欢Yotsubaï¼Œå› ä¸ºå®ƒæœ‰åŒ—äº¬æœ€æ–°é²œå¹¶ä¸”æ£å®—çš„æ—¥å¼æ–™ç†ï¼Œæˆ‘也喜欢M的美食以åŠæ¬£èµå®ƒçš„富有çµæ„Ÿçš„当代艺术装饰。Pace 是我最喜欢的798的画廊之一。
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