Retro Eighties – 复古风格-80年代


Rules are being broken here. Japanese housewife hair and makeup meets ’70s fashion, which made it to China in the ’80s, for one of the best Stylites yet. The jacket and bag seem straight from the vintage shop that doesn’t exist here.

这次有人打破了常规。日本家庭主妇风格的发型和妆容,跟70年代的时尚风格混合在一起(西方70年代的风格可以说是在80年代影响到了中国)。 她可以算是”Stylites”上最有风格的人之一。她的包和夹克像是在二手店买的,也许我们只能想象北京有这样一个二手店吧。

Nels Frye is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant and stylist, based in Beijing. Focuses are on street style, other consumer trends, and broader social issues.

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