Men at Dolce & Gabbana, Shanghai

Photos: Phoebe Wu

This past week, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were in Shanghai for the last party in a world tour to promote a new series of tee-shirts that celebrate 25 years of Naomi Campbell in the modelling business. Always one of the more internet-conscious fashion brands, Dolce and Gabbana invited stylites to photograph the invent. Unfortunately, I had obligations in Beijing, so I wasn’t able to make it down. Stylites contributors Tomasz Sajewicz and Pheobe Wu attended the event on my behalf.

Swide has more photos from the event and here is more on the special edition teeshirts.

Editor and Stylist

Photos: Xiao Yang

And what a cute pair they are! Ingrid is an editor at a major fashion magazine and Paul is a stylist at Beijing’s premier multi-brand fashion boutique. I was happy to see quite a few “fashion types” at La Ville en Rouge, our party celebrating the launch of Tally Beck Contemporary’s gallery in NYC.

Vega at Dong Liang

Photos: Junshen

Dong Liang Studio, one of Beijing’s leading multi-brand shops focused on Chinese fashion designers, hosted the “Schoolmates Reunion Party & Indie Designer Autumn Collection Promotion”. Vega Wang, sporting a new hairdo, was one of the main designers with wears on offer at Dong Liang.


Lulu, near Surfin’ Bird

Guangdong native and ’60s band Trashmen fan Lulu opened fashion boutique Surfin’ Bird after returning from London, where she studied fashion.

Lulu是六十年代乐队trashmen的乐迷。完成在伦敦时装专业后,她回国开了一家时装店,Surfin’ Bird。